I believe fortune is being found by a job of one's choice. Ever inspring teachers in a city that valued education more than anything else, naturally pulled her towards teaching, decades ago.
IISc introduced a new horizon,
Prof. VJ - who never taught but made sure we ended up learning,
Prof. Karthik, so much of depth to drive us crazy,
Prof. Abi - in whose classes thermodynamics wasn't difficult a single day,
Prof. Chokshi, with almost undoable assignments!
Both NITK and IISc encouraged us to learn beyond what was "required": for example to listen to, mathematical physics by Prof. Diptiman Sen and quantum chemistry by Prof. KL Sebastian.
My teaching had a humble beginning as a TA for VJ's UG course on "Introduction to Materials", and sessions on micromechanics in Prof. Dehm's course at RU Bochum. The first independent course started with gratitude to the almameter NITK - a one credit workshop course. Engineering Ceramics, Mechanical behavior, Physical metallurgy, Electroceramics and advanced courses in the fields followed at IIT Jammu and IIT Bhubaneswar. A new course on "Thin film materials" is being proposed at IIT Bhubaneswar.
Teaching to spread joy!
Enormous efforts and energy are invested to see the pure love for knowledge shining bright among students!
Why not make any subject easy - by getting to the depth and articulate? If distant mathematical physics could get understandable at IISc, why not any other course! Isn't it possible for a teacher to generate interest among students? Isn't it possible to make every student appreciate the subject? Why not drive students to think beyond grades? Finally IITs are premier institutes, shouldn't all that we do be premium?!
The calling is to pass on the joy to the next generation. It all starts with knowledge transfer, continuing along critical thinking, a bit of application, appreciation of knowledge and hopefully a lot more! Intentions go a bit beyond examining students. No compulsions, mere trust to commit! Self-discipline almost replacing imposed rules. Self-motivation and ethics to rule over fear and humiliation.
Dedicated and consistent learning of small little facts be in classes, textbooks or experiments over years hopefully lead to appreciation and applicability of knowledge. May be it is not obvious to all that a teacher doesn't understand everything! What is important is to admit limitations and willingness to learn openly from students. Absolutely no hierarchy, just like my days with Gerhard and Chokshi!
The faith once made me move away from mountains, keeping their spirit intact in my soul! Gratefully, faith has sometimes also moved mountains, turning the impossible into reality!
Physical Metallurgy
@ IIT Bhubaneswar
Dedicated to Late Prof. Prasad Rao, NITK, Surathkal 🙏
Mechanical behaviour of Materials
@ IIT Jammu/ IIT Bhubaneswar
Why do so many of us love stress and strain 🤔
Advanced Physical Metallurgy
@ IIT Bhubaneswar
Thank you IISc and MPIE!
Ceramics/ Electroceramics
@ IIT Jammu/ IIT Bhubaneswar
To get happier attend my classes 😁
Images, videos and fun!
Visualize crystal structures
Schematics on crystal defects
Meme making competition by Dr. K.V. Vamsi, IIT Indore
A talk on fracture by Dr. Jaya Balila, IITB